Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why people think they are living in a reality show

                                 Why people think they are living in areality show

            Our culture is based in an un real world in many wayswe dont even notice. We can relate the film " the truman show which director is Peter Weir in 1998, with  our own world. This film is exactly like a "Big brother show" or any social network, this both things can show the reaction of the humans. We all like o see tge reaction of somebody else, but not from ourselves.  the good thing for some people is that we are able to disguise our reality to show what we want to show to the world.

            First of all. when we watch a TV show like "the big brother" we like to see what is going to happen the next day , because we identified with the show. we see that they have our same reactions when we have stress. the group of people in this kind of TV show, try to live with strangers only for money/ in the real live we don't haveto live with this people, but treat with strangers all the time. For example, when we get a new job or go to school. we don't have the option opf only leave the game if we don't feel comfortable, but we have the option of create our world with the internet.

          we know that it is hard to be content with what we have, we know that we can not change the real life, but what about the virtual one? we all know that sometimes we don't look like a super star as we try to show on facebook or as smart as we try to be on twitter. We try to be a famous people with what we write or show on the virtual world. we try to espress ourselves with words from oters to let the people think we wrote it. we write that we are special people, intelligent, that we make the world go around, just to impress others with things that we know have a big part of lie, but we enjoy shoing up about everything wwe have or not,, and whem we leave the virtual world we fell rare and despair. that is why every single person have social networks, because we need to thing that our fake life has part of reality.

           The "truman show" can not be real but we all need a minute of that TV show. we wish to have a perfect life like "truman" for a while, that is why we create the social networks, because we need a part of peace in our life. we would like to stop caring about our problems and start caring about our happeness. I don't want  to have an easy life as truman, because i like the fact that i can obtain my goals with hard work and education, i would like to rest a weekend in truman's world, but not live ther forever. if i were in his position to decide between both worlds, I would rather this hard world than the fake one. that is why i destroyed all my social networks, because i need to have my feet on the ground, i don't want to disguise my reality, but enjoy it the way it is. it can sound boring, but i love my real life,

           In conclusion, our culture give us the option to create our own world, we can use social networks or watch crazy TV shows like "Truman show" but it depends on each person to live an imaginary world or enjoy working hard to be the person we really want to be and make this difficult world in our almost perfect world. 



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  2. Hi, I'm Hamraj Rooplall from Dr. Justin Rogers- Cooper's Seminar in Teaching Writing ENG 220 and I'm writing because this course provide me with lots of knowledge to help student who need guidance during the writing process of an essay or any pieces of writing. Thank you for letting me post on your blog.

    Firstly I will like to say great job on your idea about the TV shows and connected to real life. I agree that's a significant idea, and a good way to focus your response... I also liked how you mention “we are special people, intelligent, that we make the world go around”.

    I think you could develop some of your response, however, by focuses on only (3) TV shows and expands on it. When you choose (3) of them you can able to give more ideas, expand on your background knowledge, state the benefits of this show, state side effect of the same show, and this will give your reader a stronger argument. In other words, the ready will know exactly what you are arguing about.

    I notice that you only have five good paragraphs. Perhaps I will advise you to re-read and edit before submit. I also saw that you have a couple of run-on, fragment, verb tense and spelling problems. If you have enough time at the end of your Exam please re-read and make correction, this will help you to have a better grade.

    Thanks again for letting me posting this. I have learned a lot on your reading. Good luck!
